(Kick-off meeting UPTUN 9,10 and 11 September 2002 at TNO in Delft)


The UPTUN consortium consists of 41 members from 13 different EU Member States and from 3 associated countries. The distribution of the work is well balanced over the eastern, northern, southern and western EU member states.


The project is specifically targeted at ensuring a pan-European approach towards the improvement of fire safety in European tunnels. This will enable European tunnel operators and regulators to benefit from the economies of scale resulting from a European approach, thus additionally creating community added-value.


The management of the project is designed especially for a large R&D project, comprising a large number of parties. Also an advisory group will be established to monitor developments outside the UPTUN project allowing to anticipate on new perceptions and priorities and to provide an independent  critical appraisal of UPTUN progress and deliverables.

The UPTUN Steering Board is composed of seven project partners and two members from the Advisory Group (not being project partners).

SB-members are:

Dr. Kees Both/ TNO, Chair
Dr. Franco Corsi / ENEA, Vice-Chair
Ir. J.P.G. Mijnsbergen / CUR-COB, Co-ordinator, General Manager
Ir. Evert W. Worm / RWS
Mr. Didier Lacroix / CETU
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Haack / STUVA
Prof. Dr. Gabriel A. Khoury / FSD, Scientific Manager
Dr. Horst Hejny / DMT, Exploitation Manager
Apart from their functions and roles in the project, the SB-members also represent major stakeholders like the owners of tunnels, government, design engineers and researchers.


For more information on the technical workpackage, see workpackages.