Large scale tests in Runehamar Tunnel
In the frame of Swedish national and European reseach programs on TUNNEL SAFETY, comprehensive large scale fire tests will be conducted during September 2003 in the abandoned Runehamar road tunnel in the South-West of Norway. Especially truck fires similar to the size of the recent fires in Mont Blanc Tunnel (France/Italy) and Gotthard Tunnel (Switzerland) will be considered. The tests will be carried out by the UPTUN* partners SP (Sweden), TNO (The Netherlands) and SINTEF/NBL (Norway).

The preliminary test program is as follows:

Test nr.  Planned date  Test Commodity     Estimated heat   Longitudinal         Mass ratio cellulose/
                                                             content (GJ)       ventilation (m/s)   plastic
1            wk 37, 2003   Cartons and            52                     2.7                    81/19
2            wk 37, 2003   Wood pallets and     207                   2.7                     82/18
                                  polyethylene pallets 
3            wk 38, 2003   Real furniture          -150                  2.7                     82/18
4            wk 38, 2003   Wood pallets and     113                   2.7                     82/18
5            wk 39, 2003   Cartons and            52                    0                         81/19
6            wk 39, 2003   Cartons and            52                    1.5                      81/19

Industrial Sponsors:
- Promat International N.V., Belgium
- Tunnel Fireprotection Group B.V.
  Gerco Beveiligingen B.V., The Netherlands
- B-I-G Brandschutz-Innovationen, Germany

For more information:


During the project, public documents will be placed on this page. Information will be given how documents and reports can be obtained.