CTG S.p.A.


Via Camozzi 124

24121  Bergamo



CTG S.p.A. is a technical company, which belongs to the Italcementi Group. Its headquarter is in Bergamo with a permanent facility established in Guerville (France). The main CTG's activity consists of furnishing technical services to the subsidiaries of Italcementi Group which is present in 14 countries with about 18.000 employed people and accounts for over 3.400 millions of Euro in 1999.

The company is also participating in different financed Projects both international (Brite Euram) and national (CNR – National Research Council and PF – Progetti Finalizzati). As a recognition of high quality on a national and international level of our work, the materials analysis and evaluation laboratories of CTG have received the SINAL (National System for the Accreditation of Laboratories) accreditation (ISO certification) in Italy and the COFRAC one (Comité Français d'Accréditation) in France, proving their competence and the reliability of the tests carried out.  Moreover, the metrological laboratory is accredited by SIT, the Italian Calibration Centre.

Stefano Cangiano 


Senior Research Engineer


He works at CTG Italcementi Group Bergamo Laboratories Department (Italy). He obtained his Chemical Engineering Degree from the University of Genoa. Since 1975 he has been employed in Italcementi. He has been interested in the durability of concrete, development and application of high performance autoclaved concretes, mechanical properties of concrete with the application of fracture mechanics criteria, standards development.
Since 1995 he has coordinated the following projects:

- Limestone blended cements

- Slag blended cements

- High performance cementitious materials (fibber-reinforced)
He has authored or co-authored several papers related to these topics and different international patents. At the present he coordinates:
the Sub-WorkingGroup ad hoc "testing methods" of the Italian UNICEMENTO
the Sub-WorkingGroup ad hoc "special concretes" of the Italian UNICEMENTO
the WG10 "Spritz Beton" of the CEN TC104

Roberto Cucitore


Junior Research Engineer


He works at CTG Italcementi Group Bergamo Laboratories Department (Italy). He obtained his Aeronautical Engineering Degree from the Politecnico of Milano in 1996. He is working for durability and mechanical testing, also developing new test methods. He is also responsible for some research project related to cementitiuos materials. He has authored or co-authored about 10 papers related to these topics.


Giovanni Di Mauro


Junior Research Engineer


He works at R&D department of CTG-Italcementi Group Bergamo (Italy). He obtained his Civil Engineering Degree from Politecnico of Bari in 1997. Since January 2000 he is working at the management of several EU projects in which Italcementi Group was involved.

Before his getting a member of CTG - Italcementi Group staff he obtained a two years national education grant on durability and reliability of construction materials.

