Admiral House, Rose Wmarf, 78 East Street
LS9 8EE Leeds

Arup is an international engineering consultancy whose mission is ‘to shape a better world’ through the quality of engineering design. Arup has over 6000 staff world-wide in 71 offices. In 99/00, Arup achieved a turnover of 17 MEuro. Arup makes use of its expertise through a global tunnelling network that has members in 8 countries. Arup projects include, airports, road and rail infrastructure, tunnels, stadia, exhibition halls etc. Specialist services in Arup include; fire engineering, quantified risk assessment, fluid modelling, people movement, materials engineering, vehicle design.
A specialist fire engineering consultancy has existed within the Ove Arup Partnership since 1974 and in 1988 a decision was taken that this consultancy should expand to provide a wide service on aspects of fire safety both to the rest of the practice and to outside clients in the form of developers, architects and government bodies. The conceptual brief for the team is that it should provide a link between the very active world of fire safety research and the fully engineered design of tunnels, buildings and other facilities. This approach to fire safety has led Arup to the forefront of fire engineering in design using fire science and risk analysis to develop an innovative approach.

Dr. David Charters

Associate Director

Is a Chartered Fire Engineer who graduated in mechanical engineering in 1985 where his industrial placement and final year project involved the performance and reliability of automatic fire detection systems. As a member of the UK Atomic Energy Authority, he become involved with tunnel fire safety after undertaking the quantified fire risk assessment of underground stations following the King’s Cross fire in 1987. His PhD thesis concerned the prediction of fire growth and smoke movement in tunnels with respect to the needs of quantified risk assessment and included the development of the FASIT (Fire growth And Smoke movement In Tunnels) software (ref PIARC). He is a visiting lecturer at the Universities of Leeds and Manchester and sits on the International Council, Engineering Council Division Board and Technical Committee of the Institution of Fire Engineers. Currently David is Associate Director responsible for the development of Arup Fire in the UK Regions.
