Brennero – The Brenner Highway

Via Berlino, 10
38100 Trento

The Brennerhighway has been founded in 1959. It has a social capital of about 50 million Euro.
The corporation is shared by public capital for an amount equal to 83,18%. 74,89% belongs directly to the local bodies interested in the highway section. Moreover, 4,16% is owned by the Brescia Padova Highway Corporation, which, is mainly owned by public capital. The member of relative majority is the Region Trentino-South Tyrol with 30,39%. The administration council is constituted by 24 members, designated by the associates and by the President.
The corporation, during the existing franchise (with deadline in 2005), has done many investments in public works of interest for the public members, besides extraordinary interventions within the general interest of the State. New road works will find further financing thanks to the extension of the franchise, even in correlation with the fading of the current prohibition of building new highway sections.
Enormous investments have been done in maintenance works, both ordinary and extraordinary. The corporation has always operated as a public contracting station. As a matter of fact, it doesn't take part in any constructing firm (nor bound, or controlled) and therefore all the works and services are offered through public competitions.
The corporation has never had contentious procedures with the State having always had an efficient management. That is why, not similar to any other Italian franchising bodies, it has never requested any extensions thanks to the Costa-Ciampi directive.

Univ. Prof. DDr. Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Bergmeister, MSc

Born in 1959 in Brixen, Italy; 1985: Master Degree in Civil Engineering and Rural Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria; 1988: PhD in Civil Engineering and Rural Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria; 1992: Master of Science in Civil Engineering, State University of New York; Since 1993: Head of the Institute of Structural Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Since 1998: Technical Director of the A22 Brennerohighway, Trento, Italy.


Dr. ing. Sandro Francesconi

Born in 1976 in Bolzano, Italy. He got graduated in 2001 in Materials Engineering at the University of Trento: 2001 he achieved the International Master in "Materials Science and Engineering" at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gotenborg, Sweden. Since 1996 he is ski instructor at the ski school "Karersee".
