Traficon N.V.

Meensesteenweg 449/2

B-8501  Bissegem



Traficon is a world-wide market leader in the field of traffic detection based on video image processing. The company strives to meet their customer requirements and to deliver reliable high quality products. Within this context, Traficon obtained an ISO9001 certificate in November 1998. In the opinion of Traficon, this certification is just the beginning in an everlasting process of improvement. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate criterion for their performance.

Traficons reputation is backed by more than 15 years' proven field experience and more than 3500 Traficon sensors, operational world-wide. Traficon is or has been actively involved in European projects for intersection control (WATCHBIRD, ESCORT), for preparatory work concerning travel time calculation (AVS-TDC) and for law enforcement (VERA).

Building on a development started in 1982 by the University of Louvain, Traficon research has led to a range of powerful products. Traficon products are marketed by an international group of carefully selected partners. And last but not least, Traficon itself is built on a team. A team of highly skilled and highly motivated people devoted to offering the appropriate solution to all of our customers.

Ilse Roelants 

General Sales Manager
