Swedish National Testing and Research Institute


PO Box 857

SE-50115  BorAas



SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute – Company profile

SP develops and transfers technology for improving competitiveness and quality in industry, and for safety, conservation of resources and good environment. The research institute has Sweden's widest and most sophisticated range of equipment and expertise for technical investigation, measurement, testing and certification. SP performs research and development in close liaison with universities, institutes of technology and international partners.

SP is a EU-notified body and accredited test laboratory. SP has a staff of 500 employees. The majority have high technical qualifications. SP´s headquarters are in Borås in the west part of Sweden.

Dr. Haukur Ingason


Senior Research Scientist


Holds a Ph D in experimental and theoretical investigation of rack storage fires from Lund University. Haukur is connected to the dept of fire protection. Main fields of competence relates to fires in tunnels, scaled and full fire testing.

