Consorzio Padova Ricerche


Corso Spagna, 12

35127  Padova



Consorzio Padova Ricerche is a not-profit making Consortium founded in 1987 by the University of Padova, IRI Spa, CNR (Italian National Research Council), the Chamber of Commerce, the Industrialist Association and some industrial high tech companies located in Veneto region. The main goal of CPR is to improve the technology transfer between University, public research bodies and the private sector playing central role in the fields of innovation and education. CPR developed its know how and its skills in: Vocational training in advanced fields and innovation - Evaluation and partnership in research projects - Contract Research and technology transfer - Support to the Public Bodies in choosing the best innovative technologies.

The Consortium activities are carried out by internal personnel (13 member staff) and external under the supervision of Project managers and the Steering Committee designated by Padova Ricerche.

The Consortium activities are organised in four main lines. Vocational Training - The Consortium promotes courses on the applications of innovative technologies for technicians and managers of private companies and public bodies. During the period 1996-1998, Padova Ricerche is engaged in a 10’500 millions ItL research project, financed by MURST, to develop an advanced bio-medical image system which will be used in the neurological and cardiovascular fields.

Prof. Dr. Carmelo E. Majorana


Project manager


Is Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Department of Construction and Transportation Engineering at the University of Padova. Corresponding Member of RILEM. He is author of more than 150 papers in International and National Journals and in Proceedings of Conferences. He received Research grants to perform creep and shrinkage analysis of concrete structures and analysis of hydro-thermal transport of high performance concrete at high temperature for nuclear application with CEA (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Paris) and participated to Brite - Euram III Project HITECO (High Temp. Concrete).



Dr. Francesco Pesavento


Is a Ph.D. graduated at the University of Padova. He was involved in Brite - Euram III Project HITECO (High Temp. Concrete), publishing more than 20 papers.