Technical University of Lodz, Poland


Al. Politechniki 6




The department of building physics and building materials of the Technical University of Lodz, focuses on the thermic-humidity problems of the partitions and building materials, which are considered both theoretically and experimentally. The connected problems of thermal and mass flow in building materials and partitions as well as phase transitions on a partition surface are investigated. Moreover, the phenomena occurring in the surface layer and on the very surface of the partition, i.e. drying, absorption of low and high-temperature radiation, the influence of climatic factors on strength of external plasters is studied. The results of experimental and theoretical works are the basis for design of energy-saving laminar partitions. Research work on development and modernisation of timber constructions in civil engineering is carried out continuously. Recently, the researches have been done on joints of elements. The original mechanical joint in the shape of the doublesided spiked insert has been worked out. The problem of exploitation of traditional structures is also examined.

Dr. Dariusz Gawin PhD. DSc. MSc.


Project manager


D. Sc. (habilitation) in Building Physics, Ph. D. in Applied Mechanics, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. He is associated professor in the Department of Building Physics and Building Materials, and has large foreign experience, e.g. at Padua University, practice at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnica delle Costruzioni, Padua University, Italy; at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge (Tennessee), and at ENEA - Centro di Ricerca Casaccia (Italy), sponsored by BRITE EURAM III-BRPR-CT95-0065 HITECO project.

