Fire Safety Design


PO Box 3061

SE 200 22  Malmoe



Fire Safety Design (FSD) was founded in 1976 by Dr Yngve Anderberg. It has a sister company in the UK, which started in 1986 with Professor Gabriel Khoury who is the Director. FSD has provided leading-edge consultancy services in fire safety engineering and fire design for clients in many countries around the world. Performance-based state of the art methods are combined with focused knowledge, deep research and 25 years experience. Today FSD consists of more than 15 employees with a main office in Malmoe. The staff are experts in civil and fire safety engineering as well as computing. They employ the computational tools daily on a wide range of applications. FSD set up its offshore business in 1987 and conducted over 14.000 man-hours of fire protection consultancy work for clients involved in 14 different oil- and gas-platforms.

FSD provides a total fire concept for tunnels. Its projects included the thermal structural computer analysis of a whole building in fire, Spalling and structural analysis in nuclear reactors, post-fire assessment in the Channel Tunnel and Great Belt tunnel. Also the design against fire in two Heathrow tunnels and the Rail Link tunnels between London and Folkestone.

Professor Gabriel Alexander Khoury
MSc PhD DIC EurEng CEng MIStructE MIFireE MRAeS


Managing Director FSD-UK


Prof. Khoury is UPTUN Scientific Manager and Work-Package 5 Leader. He is managing director of FSD-UK and Director of FSD Sweden. Initiator and chief executive of the London Greenways project, Visiting Professor Padua University and Research Fellow Imperial College, London University. Chairman of FIB Committee 4.3.1 on Fire Design of Concrete Structures, Member of the British Tunnelling Society, Institution of Fire Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Nuclear Engineers, Royal Aeronautical Society, and Conference Organiser on Council of The Airship Association. Author of 2 books and over 80 scientific papers. He was a partner in the HITECO Eurpean project and currently is a member of the FIT and HIPER European projects.


MSc Sebastian Jeansson


Mr Jeansson has a MSc in Civil Engineering at Lund University and has been working for FSD as software developer and fire safety engineer since 1995. He has a long  experience in  computer-aided fire engineering design of complicated structures in offshore platforms, buildings, bridges  tunnels etc. Also simulation of fire tests, product developments as well as Design Guides to manufacturers is within his expertise.
