Cervanka Consulting

Predvoje 22
162 00 Prague 6

The company specializes in numerical analysis of concrete structures and provides consulting and software in this field. Company know-how is based on many years of experience in the field of concrete mechanics and computational methods. It is an internationally recognized expert in the field of mechanics of concrete structures. The members of the research team actively participate in several international professional and scientific organizations-, FIB, IAFraMCos and IABSE.
The company is extensively involved in consulting services and software development. Main software product is the program SBETA-ATENA for non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures. This program can simulate the real structural behavior including concrete cracking, crushing and reinforcement yielding. The software has been extensively validated on experimental data and international round robin prediction analysis. Currently the company is developing new version of the product for more general applications. About half of the company remover comes from consulting and research projects.
Currently the company is also working on two research projects funded by the Czech National Science Foundation dealing with the modeling of compressive concrete failure and time dependent behavior.

Dipl.-Ing. Vladimir Cervenka Ph.D.


Born in 1941. Internationally recognized expert in the field of mechanics of concrete structures. Author of many of scientific publications. He graduated in 1962 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech University in Prague. He is a member in the international associations IABSE, f.i.b., FRAMCOS, and national engineering societies Czech society for concrete and masonry and Czech society for mechanics. In 1993 he received the Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship in Germany, and in years 1987-90 he was as visiting professor at Stuttgart University, Institute of Construction Materials by prof. Eligehausen. He is the Fellow of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic.


Dipl.-Ing. Jan Cervenka Ph.D.

Technical manager

Born in 1966. He graduated in 1990 with Dipl.-Ing. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague and received Ph.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1994. During his stay at the University of Colorado he participated on the research concerning the crack analysis of dam structures for the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). Member of FraMCoS. He is director of software development and a company expert on client server architecture. He is also responsible for the company web page.


Dipl.-Ing. Radomir Pukl CSc.

Project manager

Born in 1956. He is an expert on fracture mechanics, finite element method, numerical simulation of concrete structures, computer graphics. He graduated in 1980 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague an received his doctor degree at the Klokner Institute CTU in 1985. In 1988-97 he was a research associate at the Institute of Construction Materials, Stuttgart University by prof. Eligehausen where he worked in the field of numerical methods and fastening technology.
