EDS-ELTODO Dopravni systemy s.r.o

Novodvorska 1010/14

14200  Prague



Joint venture SIEMENS Czech Republic s.r.o. and ELTODO EG a.s. -  is the main supplier of intelligent traffic system including tunnel technology in Czech republic. The technical division which employees 19 engineers is development and research centre which prepares new innovative technology for traffic control. This team is preparing for long years the hardware and software equipment for controlling tunnel technologies putting special emphasis on tunnel safety.

EDS actively co-operates with the Ministry of transportation and communication of Czech Republic on the preparation of the Czech standard TP98 Technological equipment of tunnels, the need for actualising of these standards was raised by tragic events happened in tunnels in west Europe. EDS is member of the committee “Safety Road in the road tunnels” which is one of the committees of the national ITA/IATES. EDS also co-operates with Czech Technical University Faculty of Transportation.

Dipl.-Ing. Jiri Rehak

Technical manager

Graduated as Dipl. Ing. at Faculty of  Electronics Technical University in
Prague, responsible for technical solutions in EDS, responsible for research and development. He contributed in design and software project in control system of tunnel technologies mainly in Prague, Brno in Czech Republic and also in Adana in Turkey.


Dipl.-Ing. Jiri Stefan

Senior designer

Graduated as Dipl. Ing. at Faculty of 
Electronics Technical University in Prague. He made a lot of software projects and programs for control systems of road tunnels. There are Strahov, Tesnov and Letna tunnels in the Czech Republic and 4 tunnels in Turkey Adana. Member of the committee “Safety Road in the road tunnels“ which is one of the committees of the national ITA/IATES.