Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory


Tiller Bru

7465  Trondheim



Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory (Norges Branntekniske Laboratorium is a member of SINTEF group, 100% own by SINTEF. NBL is the Norwegian centre for fire technology R&D, as well as a contact forum for the public and private sectors. Test reports from NBL form the basis for specifications, classifications and product documentation. Test results from NBL are accepted by laboratories and authorities in other European countries due to the accreditation of NBL for performing standardised fire testing by the Norwegian Metrology and Accreditation Service. The aim of activities at NBL is to establish knowledge and information about fire as a phenomenon and safety hazard, and to find ways to reduce damage and loss.

Dr. Kristen Opstad


Research Engineer


Head of group Fire Development and Extinguishing. Project manager with extensive experience in more that 40 projects, mainly related R&D of fire-safety engineering for industrial plants and road tunnels. Issues related to thermodynamics, fire development and mitigation. Author of app 20 publications in international journals or proceedings. 



Ragnar Wighus MSc


Senior Research Engineer


Main fields of competence: offshore/process safety technology, fire modelling, -development, smoke production and extinguishing. Extensive experience in R&D of water suppression systems, especially water mist systems. Successfully carried out project for adapting water mist systems for industrial, maritime and air plane use. App 20 papers in international conference proceedings. 

Petter Aune MSc


Research Engineer


Extensive experience from more than 30 projects, mainly on fire-engineering issues. Especially experienced in engineering safety systems by use of CFD and testing/verification of mitigation systems.

Are Wendelborg Brandt MSc


Research Engineer


With main field of competence on fire development and suppression. Especially related to experimental simulation and verification fire processes.