Centre for Civil Engineering Research and Codes/

Centre for Underground Construction


PO Box 420

2800 AK  Gouda



www.cur.nl / www.cur-beton.nl / www.cob.nl


Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering Research en Regelgeving, (Centre for Civil Engineering Research and Codes), is an independent, non-profit making organisation. CUR occupies itself, since the start in 1952, with the development, acquisition and transfer of knowledge and experience in the broad field of civil engineering and infrastructure. CUR initiates, co-ordinates and disseminates joint research projects with public and private parties in the building process. At present approx. 200 R&D-projects are being performed.
The CUR is a knowledge network organisation contributing to a sustainable spatial and economic structure. Within this network many parties representing authorities, customers, trade and industry and knowledge institutions jointly direct the entire knowledge chain, from research programming to skilful application of the new knowledge. The end users always direct the activities.

COB, the Centre for Underground Construction is a member of the CUR network organisation. COB itself is an independent, non-profit making organisation consisting of public and private participants. An extensive research programme is focussing on the development of underground space usage in the Netherlands. The primary task of the COB is the creating of a permanent framework, within with a continuous flow of innovative product ideas is generated at the interface of involved disciplines from the COB-participants. The COB network consists of 29 participants, representing over 100 organisations.

Ir. Jan P.G. Mijnsbergen


Research Manager


Graduated from Eindhoven University of Technology in Materials Science (faculty of Building, Construction and Architecture). During the eighties he worked at Delft University of Technology (Stevin Laboratory). After a two-year stay at DHV-Bouw Consulting Engineers, he joined CUR in 1992. At CUR he is as research manager involved in initiation, co-ordination and dissemination of R&D- and standardisation projects, mainly in the field of concrete and concrete structures. He was and is involved in several EU funded projects in FP4 and FP5.



drs. Inge S.C. Stringa


Program co-ordinator 'Safety'

CUR/COB - Netherlands Centre for Underground Construction

Inge Stringa graduated from Nijmegen University (Faculty Spatial Planning) with a specialization on business-administration at the University of Eindhoven. She worked for 13 years at the Dutch department of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environmental Affairs (research and policymaking). After 3 years participation in the Incentives programme for intensified and multiple landuse (StlR), she started working at AGV/Holland Railconsult for 3 years as a senior consultant in infrastructure-projects. Since the beginning of 2004 Inge Stringa is on a base of detachment working at COB/CUR in a co-ordinating role for Safety-issues in projects of underground construction.

