ICASA – Academic of Science


Dubravska cesta 9

842 20  Bratislava



ICASA was established in 1953 to carry out a fundamental and applied research, and new development in the field of civil engineering and architecture. Over 45 years ICASA has developed many theoretical, numerical and experimental methods for the fundamental research and applications in structural engineering, mechanics, architecture, building chemistry and materials. ICASA consists of the department of mechanics, department of structures, department of materials and rheology (I am working in), department of building physics and department of architecture.

Further the department deals with the research of clays and related materials and  properties of the mineral filler for geosynthetic clay liner manufactured in Slovakia. ICASA participated in national tunnel research project ( 1990 – 1993 ) studying the interaction of tunnel body with surroundings. This problem was not solved in the department of materials and rheology.

Ivan Janotka, M.Sc. PhD




Awarded his PhD degree in November 1991. Since 1992 he worked for the Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is professional member (MIM) of The Institute of Materials, London, UK since July 2000, and member of the International Geosynthetics Society since January 2001.

