IKI Institute of Structural Engineering


Peter Jordan Strasse 82

A-1190  Vienna



The Institute of Structural Engineering is a department of the University for Applied Science in Vienna (BOKU - Austria). Every year about 150 students are educated in various disciplines of structural engineering:  Mechanics, Building material science and recycling, CAD in structural engineering, Structural analysis and design, Computational mechanics, Timber and steel construction.

The institute participates in different research projects in close collaboration with industry and economy.

The theoretical research is supported and completed by experimental studies. The results of the various research activities are published in journals and on international meetings and workshops.

Since 1997 the laboratory of the institute is equipped with a large modern three-axial testing machine until a load range of 2000 kN in tension and 3000 kN in compression. This enables to perform tests according to the guidelines of the European organisation for technical approvals (EOTA).

Ulrich Puz
