WP 3

Work Package Leader:

Drs. Marieke Martens

The main objective of WP 3 is to find, develop, evaluate and promote new methods and means to remove, neutralise or correctly assess all factors which contribute to a negative human response in incidents (larger accidents always result from smaller incidents) and accidents (resulting if no adequate action is taken).

Technical tasks

Review of state-of-the-art and interrelation with other projects.

Knowledge will be collected on the design and safety measures in current European tunnels.


Response of the end-user.

This task focuses on how information should be presented, how long it takes before tunnel users actually understand the situation (depending on specific scenario and the information provided) and how they choose their escape route.


Tunnel operator.

This task will focus on an analysis of the task of the operator: how do operators gain information, what makes them miss some incidents, how does the operator come to a decision, what way can he be supported, how does the operator handle the occurrence of several incidents within a short period of time and how does the operator deal with the communication with the emergency rescue teams.


Emergency response teams.

Simultaneous management of the problem is required in order to guarantee effective and on-time intervention of safety operators. The response teams get their information from the tunnel operator (or from the individual tunnel users) and have to form an idea of the seriousness of the incident, the actions they have to take, the number of people that have to be involved and next thing, they have to instruct their team members to work together. Furthermore, the tunnel operator may also help the emergency response teams by providing proper information.